Screen Time vs. Lifetime

Curious what your screen time amounts to over the course of your life? Our handy phone time calculator will tell you how many years you'll spend staring at a screen based on your current habits.

A little daunting? Give it a try! Make sure to fill in ALL fields.

*We are not storing or sharing any of your data.

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Your Attention Please is a feature documentary exploring what happens when people take radical steps to regain control over their attention.

It’s time to put down your phone.

We spend over five hours on our smartphones every day. We check it a staggering 150 times per day, spend an average of 48 minutes texting, and 58 minutes on Facebook.

120 Mind-Blowing Mobile Marketing Stats

Studies link smartphones to a mind-boggling range of symptoms, from poor sleep, feelings of inadequacy, loneliness, infertility, low performance at work, and the buzzwords of our time: anxiety and depression. 

The Guardian, 2021

A growing number of people experiment with smartphone-free living, and find that their life improves in significant ways, from forming deeper relationships to achieving better focus and memory.

Surviving Tomorrow, 2021

Are you curious to learn more? Maybe get involved? Or perhaps you have a story to share? Get in touch!

And if you’re able to chip in with a donation to help us keep the cameras rolling, we would be forever grateful!

Support the film!

"We’ve only just begun the conversation on how to live with Social Media. And move it to something that brings out the best in us.”

— Frances Haugen, Your Attention Please